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Design and Technology


Design and Technology is changing. Our new curriculum engages pupils in a range of challenging Design and Technology based activities that will test their ability to come up with solutions to a range of challenges using a ‘multi-material’ approach. We have available to all our students, a dynamic curriculum that is underpinned by a teaching and learning approach that is designed around the needs of each student. We ensure that our students have a thirst for learning with raised aspirations that will provide the motivation and drive to succeed.

We are committed to an inclusive, outward-facing approach and a culture that ensures the engagement of our students and which provides interest and involvement in Design and Technology (includes Food Studies).

We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular range of clubs to inspire students to participate in challenges that are outside of the curriculum providing opportunities for students to apply knowledge from other disciplines, including mathematics, science, physical education, art and design, computing and the humanities. Through the critique of the outcomes of design and technology activity, both historic and present day, students develop an understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. They understand too that high quality design and technology is important to the creativity, culture, sustainability, health and well-being of the nation and the global community.

Challenging students to solve real and relevant problems, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values is a core skill in which students will aim to develop. We have an outstanding teaching team, who pride themselves in being innovative and fresh thinking. This flexible approach to teaching and learning builds up a confidence in the students to approach design with an open mind. We can rely on resources such as the 3D printer, a Laser Cutter, and a wealth of other technology including Laptops and IPads, and Software including the Adobe suite and Techsoft 2D to aid the design thinking of our students.

Lots of our existing work, including our recent student work exhibited in our end of year exhibition, can be found on our Pinterest page

Key Stage 3

Students engage in challenges and activities in Design and Technology (including Food, Preparation and Nutrition) across the key specialist areas. We encourage students to explore techniques, and practices, and build-up their skill and knowledge in all areas of D&T. We feel strongly about pupils learning through doing, and making mistakes as a designer is key to seeing progression in your work. Facing challenges and problems, through carefully selected contextual issues will allow students to test their technical skills, and develop their design minds. This prepares learners moving into Key Stage 4 by giving them an array of technical skills and an understanding of how to realise their concepts and ideas.

Key Stage 4

How the course is assessed:

50% final examination
50% non-examined assessment portfolio

Exam board:  OCR J310. Detailed specification here:

Course overview:

The GCSE Design and Technology (Short Course) is far removed from previous Design and Technology short courses as it is a process-based specification, which allows students in the traditional Design and Technology areas to make small quality products.

Students build on the KS3 Design and Technology strategy and develop their knowledge and experience of materials in order to design and make small-scale products or prototypes.
The course allows students to take a generic examination paper that addresses the ‘across the board’ approach of Design and Technology. Students can complete a design and make project which is equivalent to half the amount of work required for the full course and which can be produced using any material or ingredient or combination.

You can expect to:

• gain further knowledge and experience using a multi -material approach to Design and Technology.

The course builds upon schemes of learning used at KS3 to allow students to develop and challenge their skills. This brand-new approach to GCSE Design and Technology offers students a chance to be innovative and creative, and to show they are able to follow the design process to produce commercially viable solutions.

Where does it lead?

• to an industrial career in any design field crossing all specialisms;

• to further study of Design and Technology at A-level or equivalent.

Please look up our up to date student work on Pinterest

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