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Curriculum Aims

Students develop a deep understanding of textile design and techniques, gaining fluency in practical processes, enhancing their creative decision-making, and applying their knowledge to produce increasingly complex and independent textile designs. They are encouraged to explore materials and techniques, developing the confidence to express their ideas artistically.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum follows the aims of the national curriculum for, ensuring that all pupils:

- Develop fluency in the fundamental skills of textile design through regular and varied practice, enabling them to understand and apply different techniques with accuracy and creativity.

- Explore and develop ideas by investigating the work of textile artists and designers, experimenting with materials, and refining their skills in fabric manipulation, surface decoration, and construction.

- Solve creative problems by applying their knowledge to a wide range of textile projects, building their independence and confidence in design decision-making.

The Key Stage 3 curriculum is delivered on a rotation basis across Years 7, 8, and 9, with each year focusing on different themes and techniques:

- Year 7: Pupils work on a portrait project inspired by artists such as Matisse, Picasso, and Bisa Butler. They explore batik, appliqué, and embroidery techniques, gaining experience with a sewing machine.

- Year 8: The focus shifts to 3D textiles, where students create a mushroom in the style of Mister Finch, followed by a more independent project where they design and create an insect, further developing their confidence and independence.

- Year 9: Students explore the theme of maps, designing a textile piece inspired by a map of their choice. This project builds on previous techniques and introduces new processes such as transfer printing and mono-printing, alongside close work with embroidery and machine sewing.

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum ensures that these skills and concepts are systematically revisited and built upon, enabling students to progress both technically and creatively throughout the three years.

Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Art and Design: Textiles

Exam Board: AQA

Final Assessment: 60% Coursework (Portfolio) and 40% Final Exam (Practical component completed in Year 11)

Curriculum Overview

At Key Stage 4, students focus on developing their creative and technical skills within the context of Art Textiles. This pathway encourages students to explore a wide range of textile processes while expressing their ideas artistically. The curriculum fosters creative independence, with students working on increasingly personal and imaginative projects, building a strong portfolio of work that reflects their individual style.

Students will explore various techniques, including hand and machine embroidery, applique, printing, dyeing, fabric manipulation, and mixed media. They will develop their ability to research and respond to the work of artists and designers, using this research to inspire their own unique textile pieces. The course encourages students to experiment with different materials and approaches, refining their creative ideas.

In line with AQA's GCSE Art and Design Assessment Objectives, students will:

- Develop ideas through research and exploration of textile artists, designers, and other inspirational sources.

- Refine their work through experimentation with various materials, techniques, and processes.

- Record observations and ideas using drawing, photography, and written annotations that support their creative intentions.

- Present personal and meaningful final outcomes that reflect their research, experimentation, and refinement.

The coursework portfolio accounts for 60% of the final grade and documents the student’s creative development over the course. The final practical exam and project, worth 40% of the grade, allows students to create a finished piece within a set time frame, showcasing the skills and techniques they have mastered throughout the course.

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