The Gartree Curriculum
At Gartree High School we deliver an intelligently planned, broad, balanced, challenging and inclusive curriculum that meets the needs of our ambitious school community. Alongside this, we offer a comprehensive, wide reaching and rich co- and extra-curricular programme. Throughout their time at Gartree High School, students will develop subject specific knowledge and skills, making accelerated academic progress, as well as gaining a wide range of essential life skills, including communication skills, self-confidence, independence, leadership, teamwork and personal organisation. A unique strength of our curriculum is the careful balance between academic excellence and the development of broader skills, delivered within a supportive environment by talented and committed teachers and support staff.
Subject specific curricula are based on the National Curriculum and have been carefully designed so that there is progression throughout Key Stages 3 and 4, with concepts intelligently sequenced to ensure that curriculum content is systematically revisited and build upon over time. All subject specific curricula are relevant – providing local and global context where appropriate, are regularly updated and improved, develop cross-curricular links wherever possible, and reflect the diversity of our school community. Students’ progress is assessed throughout the year using a variety of different approaches with attainment grades reported to parents at the end of each term.
As well as developing subject specific knowledge and skills, our curriculum fosters creativity, develops problem-solving skills, facilitates students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding, and promotes the development of fundamental British values. High quality careers education is delivered both within the curriculum and through a bespoke careers programme, which includes one-to-one careers guidance, work experience, and a variety of careers and post-16 events throughout Key Stages 3 and 4.
At Gartree High School, students have an enormous number of opportunities open to them, from the wide range of subjects that we offer, to the huge number of co- and extra-curricular activities, events, visits and trips available. We aim to create an environment where all students, regardless of their background, can develop both academically and personally within a supportive school community.
If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please contact Mr M Wills via the school's email address (admin@gartree.leics.sch.uk)