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Health and Social Care

Curriculum Aims

For students to understand and apply fundamental principles and concepts of the rights of individuals, person-centred values, effective communication and how to protect individuals in health and social care settings. Develop learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations. Think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically. Develop independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant to the health and social care sector and more widely.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

Health and social care is not offered at Key Stage 3 but it would make a great option for someone interested in studying and learning about the skills needed to work in a health and social care setting.

Key Stage 4

Course: Level1/Level 2 Cambridge National: Health and Social Care (J835)

Exam Board: OCR

Final Assessment: 2x Written pieces of coursework (each worth 30%) 1x Final examination (worth 40%)

Curriculum Overview

During Year 10 and Year 11, students will complete three units of the course. These include:

R032: Principles of care in health and social care settings

This unit is assessed by an exam. In this unit you will learn about the key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. Topics include:

· Topic Area 1 The rights of service users in health and social care settings

· Topic Area 2 Person-centred values

· Topic Area 3 Effective communication in health and social care settings

· Topic Area 4 Protecting service users and service providers in health and social care settings

RO33: Supporting individuals through life events

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment. In this unit you will learn about growth and development through the life stages. You will also learn how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs. Topics include:

· Topic Area 1 Life stages

· Topic Area 2 Impacts of life events

· Topic Area 3 Sources of support

R035: Health promotion campaigns

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment. In this unit you will research health promotion campaigns and learn about their benefits to society. You will also plan and deliver your own health promotion campaign. Topics include:

· Topic Area 1 Current public health issues and the impact on society.

· Topic Area 2 Factors influencing health

· Topic Area 3 Plan and create a health promotion campaign

· Topic Area 4 Deliver and evaluate a health promotion campaign

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