Office 365 Log In Help
If you are struggling to log onto Office 365 from home please follow the instructions below
Office 365 allows you to access all of the Microsoft software that we use here at Gartree from home. To log into Office 365 simply search for it on your search engine of choice or click here
The first page you will see will look something like this, this is where you will put your school email address

Your school email address is your school username followed by, below is an example.

If you have put the email in correctly you will notice the page will change and you will be prompted to input a password, from here you will need to enter the password you use to log into the school computers.

If done correctly you will be taken to this page from here you will be able to access everything from Teams to Word

If you would like to access anything else from this page you use the 'waffle'. The waffle can be accessed from the top left of the page and it looks something like this:

Once clicked on a drop down menu will appear with links to other apps

If you are still struggling with logging into Office 365 or any other services we use please get in contact with